The Made to Thrive Show

Everything Sleep: Quality, Quantity, New Sleep Supplements and Cutting Edge Hacks revealed by Devin Burke America’s No 1 Sleep Coach

Steve Stavs Season 1 Episode 216

The state of health seems like a never ending stream of crisis - mental health, metabolic disease, obesity, neurodegeneration, fatty liver and on and on and on. But there may be one health crisis that permeates into all the others, and could be the single most powerful lifestyle change that creates positive change to every other health issue - aka sleep.

Devin Burke is a professional coach, teacher, and the founder of Sleep Science Academy which helps exhausted insomniacs get and stay asleep using a unique holistic approach called Dynamic Sleep Recalibrating (DSR).

He developed this unique approach to sleep transformation over the last decade and has taught it to thousands of people around the world with extraordinary results.

He has a Ph.D. in client results with much of his education has been outside traditional learning settings and has come from “in the trenches,” helping thousands of people get results. His work springs from a 15-year study of dozens of modalities from multiple psychological, physiological, and spiritual traditions.

He was named one of the “Top 25 Health Coaches in America” out of over 100,000+ other coaches for his innovative coaching methods and results.

Join us as we explore:

The history and current state of sleep architecture, quality ratios, quantity boundaries and why sleep is unique to everyone.

The ROI of sleep, why it’s a mindset, key data points and a comprehensive rundown down of ALL the most successful sleep hacks.

The state of insomnia, how to define it and the dangers of sleeping medication.

Tracking sleep with wearables, the difference between precision and accuracy and why data can be dangerous without knowledgeable interpretation and guidance.

The super sleep supplement you’ve never heard of and the number one sleep hack that is super simple and super effective.

Why your sleep is a reflection of your life, sleep and mental health, and whether chronotypes are legit?




TEDx -The ROI of Sleep,

Test - MEQ,

Book - The Power of When,

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